What are the various ways to get a job offer in Canada from UAE!
A Canadian job offer has always been a dream to majority of the skilled professionals working in Middle East. The various factors which attract people to migrate to Canada is their advanced social indicators like life expectancy, education system, work culture, climate, salary packages and world renowned medical facilities.
Easiest ways to get a job in Canada from UAE
There are various ways in which a professional can get a job in Canada from UAE. The person can request his current employer who has a business presence in Canada to transfer him from UAE to Canada on an Intra Company Transfer.
Intra Company Transfer
If you are interested to get a job in Canada from UAE, first check whether your company has a presence in Canada. If the answer is yes, then try to request for a Intra Company Transfer to Canada. Employers based in Canada are recruiting professionals from all around the world through International Mobility Program.
International Mobility Program allows an employer based in Canada to hire a foreign employee without an LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessment Approval).
Step 1 - The employer must submit the offer letter in the employment portal
Step 2 – The temporary worker should apply for Canadian Work Permit Visa
Canadian Experience Class
The Canadian Experience class is applicable for skilled workers who have a full time Canadian Work Experience for a minimum of one year in the job skills listed in the National Occupation Classification code (NOC).
Minimum Requirements of Canadian Experience Class
- Applicant must meet the minimum Language Proficiency levels required to do the job in the below sections
a. Listening
b. Reading
c. Writing
d. Speaking - The applicant must have at least 1 year of full time or equally part time skilled work experience in Canada and should have worked in Canada legally.
- The skilled work applicant have done in Canada must be falling under the grade 0, A and B in the Canadian National Occupation Classification Code.
Canadian Provincial Nominee Program
If an applicant has a minimum of 1-2 year experience in any province in Canada and your current employer is very much keen to keep you as an asset in their company, they can request the province in which the company is established, they can nominate you from the province.
Apply for Canadian Permanent Residency
The most common and easiest way to find a job in Canada from UAE is to apply for the Canadian Permanent Residency Visa from UAE through Express Entry System.
In order to be eligible for Canadian Permanent Residency Visa through Express Entry, Applicant must meet the minimum eligibility criteria based on factors like Age, Education, Language Proficiency, Work Experience, Spouse factors and other adaptability factors like having a relative in Canada, Canadian education or a work experience.
If an applicant is getting eligible to apply for Express Entry, he or she must complete an online Expression of Interest profile in the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) website. The Canadian Immigration department will be
issuing points to every express entry applicants based on the above mentioned factors.
Every month a draw will be conducted from the express entry pool and successful invitations are sent to applicants who are meeting the minimum point criteria prescribed in every draw.
Applicants who get invited from the draw are eligible to submit the final Permanent residency application along with the document submission. Once the Canadian government has successfully reviewed the online application along with the documents, they will issue the immigration visa which allows every selected applicant to land in Canada and get the Canadian Permanent Resident card which is normally valid for 5 years.
Applicants who live and work in Canada on a Permanent Residency Status has all the rights of a Canadian Citizen except right to vote In election, run for an election for a party and holding sensitive classified job titles like army, intelligence etc.
Apply for Canadian Jobs from UAE through Online Employment Portals
Although it is very easy to apply for a Canadian job offer from UAE through online employment portals like Monster, Indeed, LinkedIn, Workopolis, canadajobs and many more, it is highly unlikely to get a job offer from Canada if you do not have a visa or proof to show the employer that you are coming to Canada in the near future.
Pelican Migration Consultants always advise interested individuals who wish to find a job in Canada from Middle East to first apply for a Canadian Permanent Residency Visa through the Express Entry System.
Things to know before you apply for a job in Canada from UAE
In this section we would like to mention some simple but effective ways to get shortlisted for a job offer from Canada by following basic rules like :-
CV is everything
Your CV plays a huge role in your job application to a Canadian Employer. Every individual who is applying for job in Canada from UAE should make sure that the CV which you are submitting is following the Canadian Employment Standards.
There are various ways in which you can edit your resume based on Canadian CV format. You can submit your CV to professional CV builders, if you are applying for a Canadian Permanent Residency Visa and have an active job bank profile – you can create your own Canadian CV format from your job bank profile.
Cover Letter should be submitted
If you are applying for a Canadian Job offer, always make sure to add a detailed description about the various ways in which your skills and experience can contribute or make you eligible for the applied job title.
Be Selective in your Job Approach
Every applicant should know that they cannot apply for each and every job offer in different departments. They should be selective and smart in approaching every Canadian Job application.
The applicant should analyze whether this job offer can contribute towards his professional growth and his personal life in Canada.
Employment References makes you different
If you have a long term plan to migrate to Canada from UAE or any other country with a job offer, you should plan accordingly with your current and previous employers.
You should always make sure that you have a strong personal and professional relationship with your current and previous employers. Canadian employers always look for references when they select and applicant and having string
references will distinguish you compared to other applicants
Use Online Tools
It is highly recommended to have a strong online presence in employment platforms like LinkedIn and Glassdoor so that you won’t miss the opportunity. Almost every Canadian Job offer is listed in almost all the online employment portals like Monster, Indeed, Workopolis and many more.
Having a strong online presence can help you to land in an urgent job vacancy from Canada which can change your life.
Pelican Migration Consultants can help you to find a Canadian Job offer from any part of the world by reviewing every applicants profile and selecting the right immigration plan based on your skills, education and work experience.