April 18, 2024

Top Six Benefits of Pursuing Higher Education in Canada Over the United States

Factors like swift processing times for study permits, esteemed educational institutions, and a hospitable society attract international students to choose Canada over the USA for their studies.

As prospective students contemplate studying abroad, they may consider the advantages of choosing Canada over the USA. While the USA remains a favored destination, Canada holds the top spot as the preferred country for international students.

In recent years, the USA's standing as a prime destination for international students has declined, while Canada's has risen to prominence. This shift begs the question: why are more students opting to study in Canada rather than the USA?

1. Challenges in Securing Study Permits

A contributing factor could be the challenging visa policy in the United States.

The Department of Homeland Security has proposed that international students in the United States must reapply for their visa annually, while in Canada, the government encourages students to prolong their stay.

The American visa application process is long and intricate, involving extensive scrutiny and waiting periods. In contrast, Canada's visa process is simpler and quicker, facilitating easier acquisition of study permits for international students.

A Canadian study permit can be processed in just 3 weeks, whereas obtaining an American study permit often takes significantly more time.

2. Cost

Studying in the United States is significantly more expensive than in Canada, and international students face greater challenges in securing financial aid. Canadian universities are more inclined to provide financial assistance or scholarships to international students, a benefit rarely seen in the United States.

Moreover, Canadian university tuition fees are, on average, 27% lower than those of US universities. Yet, tuition fees aren't the sole consideration; the cost of living in Canada is also notably lower. This affordability factor may be a significant reason why international students opt for Canada over the USA.

3. Healthcare

When comparing Canada and the United States, one significant difference that often comes to mind is Canada's universal healthcare system.

Given that Canadian healthcare is administered by provinces, coverage can vary. Some provinces may not extend coverage to temporary residents like international students. However, students in such provinces often have options to enroll in their school's insurance plan or obtain coverage from private providers at reasonable rates.

Many schools in the United States mandate health insurance for international students, leading to high premiums for private healthcare.

4. Welcoming Attitude

Canada tops Gallup’s Migrant Acceptance Index (MAI) as the most accepting country for migrants. Recent studies indicate an increased welcoming attitude towards newcomers, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Canada's approach to international students stands in stark contrast to what some perceive as a hostile U.S. policy towards foreigners, emphasizing a welcoming and inclusive environment.

The statistics underscore Canada's open embrace of international students. From 122,700 in 2000 to 642,500 in 2019, the surge in international student numbers reflects this welcoming attitude. Additionally, a recent report by Statistics Canada revealed that six out of ten international students who found employment post-study transitioned to become landed immigrants within a decade of obtaining their study permit.

In contrast, the USA experienced its slowest growth in international student numbers since 2009. This trend highlights a shift where more international students are opting for Canada over the United States, possibly influenced by Canada's policies aimed at attracting international students.

5. Employment Opportunities

Unlike the United States, Canada offers international students the opportunity to work for up to three years post-graduation through a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), facilitating employment and paving the way for permanent residency and citizenship.Contrarily, the United States restricts post-graduation employment unless sponsored, unlike Canada where international students can work for up to three years after graduation.

International students often perceive that they are unwelcome in the U.S., which may negatively impact their employability within the local job market.

6. Canada: Inviting Graduates to Permanent Residency

Canada encourages international students to transition to permanent resident status after graduation, making it an ideal choice for those seeking long-term settlement. Canada increasingly sees international students as prime candidates for permanent residency. As their numbers rise, Canada ramps up efforts to retain them long-term.

Both provincial and federal governments provide multiple pathways for international graduates to obtain permanent residency in Canada.

In April 2021, Canada introduced a temporary public policy enabling international graduates employed in Canada to seek permanent residency. Former Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino emphasized Canada's desire for international students to stay, recognizing their enduring contributions.

Unlike Canada, the U.S. presents limited pathways for international students to transition to permanent status. Without familial ties or an employer sponsor, acquiring American permanent residency or a green card becomes exceedingly difficult for international graduates.

Assisting International Students: Obtaining Study Visas for Canada

Pelican Migration Consultants specializes in aiding international students in obtaining study visas for Canada, offering expert guidance through every step of the process. Our team navigates the complexities of visa applications, ensuring swift processing and seamless acquisition of study permits. We understand the unique challenges students face, such as securing financial aid and navigating healthcare options, and provide tailored solutions to meet their needs. With our assistance, students can benefit from Canada's top-tier education system, welcoming environment, and abundant employment opportunities post-graduation.

Contact Pelican Migration Consultants today to embark on your journey to study in Canada and pursue your academic dreams with confidence.