Manitoba invites Express Entry candidates who are eligible for appropriate Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) scores. If the Express Entry candidate has a provincial nomination, he/she will get 600 points along with the CRS score. Those with experience in high-demand jobs listed in Manitoba are eligible for a provincial nomination, among other requirements. These applicants must submit a separate Expression of Interest to Manitoba for Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. To receive the invitation for a provincial nomination, the applicants must register for an Expression of Interest (EOI) for skilled workers in Manitoba and for skilled workers overseas categories.
Skilled Worker in Manitoba Category receives applications from qualified temporary foreign workers and international students currently working in Manitoba and are offered permanent employment in their Manitoba employer. The Manitoba Skilled Workers Overseas category is for skilled workers who are able to demonstrate strong connections with the province (such as close family or friends, previous education or work experience in the province), even outside Canada or through the Manitoba Strategic Recruitment Initiative, which allows the province to nominate those eligible for immigration. This program is completely point-based. Under the international education stream, Manitoba graduates with high-demand skills who meet the needs of the industry are invited. This section is divided into 3 subcategories; Career Employment Pathway, Graduate Internship Pathway, and Student Entrepreneur Pathway.
The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) has issued 181 Invitations on 30th January 2020 through its 82nd Expression of Interest (EOI) from skilled workers in Manitoba, Skilled Workers Overseas and International Education stream. Of these, 11 invitations were sent to applicants holding valid express entry profiles. According to the latest draw, the lowest-ranked candidate is invited under Skilled worker in Manitoba with a score of 548 and also the lowest-ranked candidate with a score of 679 in the Skilled Worker Overseas Stream was invited.
Interested in migrating to Canada under the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program? Submit you details here and let our consultants let you know whether you are eligible to migrate or not!