April 22, 2021

How Do I Verify An Immigration Consultant In Canada?

There are numerous ways to begin your application to immigrate to Canada. However, the most crucial step in this process is finding the right Canadian immigration pathway for you. There are two ways to achieve this—you could either visit the Government website and surf through more than 100 immigration visas and program to determine the best potential option for PR in Canada, or you can hire a reliable immigration consultant to help you through the entire immigration process.

Nevertheless, with plenty of opportunistic scam artists out there today who try to take advantage of immigration applicants, it has become quite difficult to tell real from fake immigration agencies and consultants.

But don’t fret! Here are three easy steps that will help you decipher whether your chosen immigration consultant is reliable or not.

- Are They a Member of the CICC?

- What Do Their Experience and Success Rate Say?

- Are Their Online Reviews Mostly Positive?


  • Are They a Member of the CICC?

For a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) to provide a paid immigration or visa service, they should be registered with the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC).

All RCIC undergo rigorous training and testing before they can legally assist candidates with their visa application. After the training, they will be given a unique registration number.

You can easily tell if your RCIC is actually a member of the CICC with just a few information. Head to the CICC website and search for the licensed consultant using their first name, last name, office location, or registration number. All you have to do is see if the RCIC is listed, and if they don’t appear, well, you have your answer.

In case the RCIC doesn’t provide you with their CICC number, then this is almost certainly a red flag.

  • What Do Their Experience and Success Rate Say?

Immigration rules keep changing. Hence, it is vital that you choose an immigration consultant who is trustworthy and well-experienced in serving their clients well. Such firms will be efficient in handling the unprecedented situation, which will save you both time and money in the long run.

Once you do the initial legwork of researching experienced consultants, the rest will flow smoothly. Keep an eye out for the consultant’s success rate, as a high success rate is often the best indicator of the consultant’s knowledge, skills, and experience in the field.

Ideally, you will need to look for an immigration consultant with at least three years of service in the industry and experience of having handled around 1000 immigration cases related to the country you wish to immigrate to.

  • Are Their Online Reviews Mostly Positive?

Doing a thorough background check is often the best way to judge a consultancy's efficiency and reputation in the industry. The best way to analyze their credibility is through word-of-mouth reviews.

Consider going through online review platforms or forums to choose the best immigration consultants. Also, seek reviews from real people who have worked with the firm than relying plainly on written reviews and testimonials on their website.

Are There Other Red Flags You Should Look Out For?

Yes, there are. As a rule of thumb, never work with an immigration consultant who;

  • Ask for credit card details over the phone;
  • Sends you strange emails;
  • Or guarantee a Canadian visa or job offer.

Choose the Right Representative and Start Living the Canadian Dream

Immigrating to Canada is a huge step, perhaps one of the most vital steps you will take in your life. So, when choosing someone to assist with your application, it’s always a good idea to choose the best representative.

As an official Canada immigration consultant(RCIC: R507572), we at Pelican Migration Consultants provide guidance and assistance throughout the Canadian immigration process. Our certified RCICs are experienced and equally knowledgeable in all Canadian immigration policies and are authorized by the Canadian government to communicate with them on the applicant’s behalf.

When you reach out to us, we will first evaluate your situation to see whether you can apply for one of the 100 visas, immigration programs, and streams. Once we figure out the right options for you, we allow you to confidently choose your preferred immigration program, from where your designated consultant will ensure all your documents are accurately completed and submitted on time.

When you apply for Canadian permanent residency with us, you basically remove all the complications and stress associated with the immigration process. With our high success rate and experience, you can always be sure your application is in good hands. You can sign up with our immigration consultants in Dubai by placing an enquiry with us.