June 28, 2024

Category Based Selection- New Norms of Express Entry Canada 2024

Express entry in Canada is not a new thing for the immigrants and for those who want to immigrate to Canada in near future. There are loads of articles and blogs you could find on express entries on the internet. But the rules are getting updated every year. If you want to migrate to this land, you have to be aware of the updated rules. Here are the new rules of 2024. One of the most notable changes is the advent of category-based selection in Express Entry Canada, a nuanced approach designed to cater to Canada’s evolving economic needs.

Let’s Have a Look at the Current Categories:

In the new strategy of Express Entry Canada now, there are six distinct categories, each carefully selected to bolster specific sectors crucial to the nation’s growth:

  1. French-language proficiency: Reflecting Canada's commitment to bilingualism, this category encourages candidates proficient in French to contribute to the country’s linguistic diversity and workforce.
  2. Healthcare occupations: Addressing the critical demand within the healthcare sector, this category seeks skilled professionals who can support and enhance Canada's healthcare infrastructure.
  3. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) occupations: Emphasizing innovation and growth, Canada aims to attract professionals who can drive advancements in these pivotal fields.
  4. Trade occupations: Recognizing the importance of skilled trades, this category supports industries that form the backbone of Canada’s economy.
  5. Transport occupations: Essential for maintaining the efficiency and reliability of Canada's transport networks, this category targets professionals in key transport-related roles.
  6. Agriculture and agri-food occupations: Supporting Canada’s agricultural sector, is vital for both food security and economic stability.

These categories are not static; they can evolve annually based on parliamentary reports. Each year, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) publishes reports detailing the rationale behind category selections, instructions for eligibility, and the number of invitations issued for each category.

A Deep Look at the Eligibility Criteria:

For each category-based round, specific eligibility criteria must be met. For instance:

  • Applicants targeting the French-language proficiency category must achieve a minimum score of 7 in each of the four language skills assessed by the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens.
  • Healthcare, STEM, trade, transport, and agriculture professionals must have accumulated at least six months of continuous work experience within the past three years in designated occupations, either within Canada or abroad.

These criteria ensure that candidates possess the necessary skills and experience to meet the demands of their respective sectors in Canada.

Inclusivity and Beyond:

It's important to note that category-based rounds complement existing general and provincial draws within the Express Entry system. Even if a candidate’s occupation does not fall under the specified categories, opportunities still abound through these draws. In addition, provincial and territorial nominations remain essential, enhancing the diversity of skilled immigrants entering Canada.

New Financial Requirements:

Effective May 28, 2024, applicants applying under the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) and the Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) will need to meet updated proof of funds criteria.

Applicants must furnish official letters from their financial institutions detailing their financial standing, ensuring they have adequate funds to support themselves and their families upon arrival in Canada.

Streamline Your Path to Canada PR with Pelican Migration Consultants

Embarking on the journey towards Canadian permanent residency? Pelican Migration Consultants stands ready to simplify and expedite your application process. With expertise in navigating the complexities of Canada’s Express Entry system, Pelican ensures personalized guidance tailored to your unique qualifications and aspirations.

Our dedicated team offers comprehensive assistance, from initial eligibility assessments to document preparation and submission. Trust Pelican Migration Consultants to streamline your path to Canada PR, leveraging years of experience and a commitment to excellence in immigration consultancy. Let us help turn your Canadian dream into a reality with efficiency and reliability.

For further details on how we can support you, please visit our website or reach out to us today.


This article has successfully provided you with the new norms of Express Entry Canada. As Canada adapts to global shifts and internal demands, the category-based selection process under Express Entry emerges as a dynamic strategy to attract skilled professionals who can contribute meaningfully to the nation’s economy and cultural fabric. By focusing on specific sectors and skills, Canada not only addresses immediate labor shortages but also positions itself as a hub for innovation and growth in a rapidly changing world.

In navigating these new norms of Express Entry for 2024, prospective immigrants and stakeholders alike are encouraged to stay informed and prepared, leveraging the opportunities presented by Canada’s forward-thinking immigration policies. As the year unfolds, these measures promise to shape a more responsive and inclusive pathway to Canadian residency and citizenship.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is category-based selection in Express Entry Canada?

Category-based selection in Express Entry Canada for 2024 targets specific sectors like healthcare, STEM, and trades to meet Canada’s economic needs.

How do I qualify under the new Express Entry categories?

Qualification requires meeting specific criteria such as work experience in designated occupations and, for some categories, proficiency in French.

Are there financial requirements for applicants in 2024?

Yes, as of May 28, 2024, applicants under certain programs must demonstrate adequate funds for settlement in Canada through official financial institution letters.

How do provincial nominations influence Express Entry selection?

Provincial and territorial nominations complement category-based draws, providing additional pathways for skilled immigrants to Canada.

What role does Pelican Migration Consultants play in the Express Entry process?

Pelican Migration Consultants offer personalized assistance navigating the complexities of Express Entry, from eligibility assessments to application submission.