January 12, 2024

Canada Offers Haven to Palestinians in Gaza with New Temporary Resident Pathway for Family Members

In a groundbreaking move, the Canadian government announced the opening of a new temporary resident (TR) pathway for extended family members of Canadian citizens and permanent residents (PRs) living in Gaza. This program, effective January 9th, 2024, offers a crucial lifeline to Palestinians facing ongoing hardship and uncertainty in the region.

Finding a Temporary Safe Haven

This initiative, building on measures announced in December, recognizes the deep concerns of Canadian families with loved ones in Gaza. The extended family category expands eligibility to include:

  1. Spouses and common-law partners
  2. Children and grandchildren
  3. Siblings
  4. Parents and grandparents

Furthermore, immediate family members within these groups, such as spouses, common-law partners, and dependent children, are also eligible for the program. These temporary resident visas will be valid for up to three years or the duration of the applicant's passport, whichever is shorter.

However, it's important to note that Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) emphasizes that all applicants, including those under this special humanitarian program, must still meet admissibility requirements, including biometrics, before approval for entry.

Building a Life in Canada

IRCC has outlined a welcoming path for eligible family members arriving in Canada:

  1. Education and Employment Opportunities: They can apply for fee-exempt study permits or open work permits, empowering them to pursue education or contribute to the workforce.
  2. Healthcare Support: Upon arrival, they will receive three months of health coverage under the Interim Federal Health Program to address immediate medical needs.
  3. Settlement Assistance: IRCC will provide valuable settlement services, including language training and support in connecting with the labor market and local community.

Limited Duration, Ongoing Monitoring

This program will operate until January 9th, 2025, or until 1,000 temporary resident visa applications are received and in processing, whichever comes first. However, the Canadian government assures close monitoring of the situation and application volumes. This allows flexibility to adapt immigration solutions as needed, potentially extending the program or expanding its scope based on evolving circumstances. Furthermore, IRCC prioritizes processing existing permanent residence applications for Palestinians within family-based streams whenever possible.

Dedicated Support

To facilitate communication and access to information, IRCC has established a dedicated service channel, accessible at +1-613-321-4243, with collect calls accepted. This direct line serves as a valuable resource for both those in Canada and abroad seeking guidance and support throughout the application process.

Canada’s Humanitarian Commitment

This significant initiative reaffirms Canada's longstanding commitment to humanitarian principles and its dedication to offering refuge to those fleeing conflict and instability. By opening its doors to extended family members of Canadians in Gaza, Canada provides a temporary safe haven, fosters stronger family bonds, and offers critical opportunities for education, employment, and a secure future.

Beyond the Headline

While the temporary resident pathway offers immediate relief, its impact extends beyond individual families. It signifies a broader approach to the complex situation in Gaza. Canada's willingness to engage and offer solutions sends a message of inclusivity and compassion, highlighting the potential for other nations to adopt similar measures.

The launch of this program is not merely a policy change; it's a beacon of hope for families separated by distance and hardship. It represents a chance for personal growth, professional development, and a sense of belonging for Palestinians in Gaza. By providing opportunities for education, employment, and access to essential services, Canada paves the way for a brighter future for individuals and strengthens its own cultural diversity.

Pelican Migration Consultants: Your Bridge to Canada

As leading immigration consultants in Dubai, Pelican Migration Consultants is proud to support the Canadian government's new temporary resident pathway for extended family members of Canadians residing in Gaza. This groundbreaking initiative offers a ray of hope and opportunity for Palestinians facing ongoing challenges in the region.

We understand the complexities of navigating the immigration process, especially during times of crisis. With extensive experience in Canadian immigration, our team of qualified consultants is here to guide you and your loved ones through every step of the journey.

Here's how Pelican Migration Consultants can assist you:

  1. Eligibility Assessment: We will carefully evaluate your family's situation to determine if you qualify for the program.
  2. Document Gathering and Preparation: Our experts will ensure you have all the necessary documents properly filled out and organized.
  3. Application Submission: We will walk you through the application process and handle the technical aspects of submitting your application.
  4. Settlement Support: Once you arrive in Canada, we can connect you with valuable resources and services to help you settle in successfully.

Don't let distance and uncertainty hold you back. Contact Pelican Migration Consultants today and let us help you reunite your family in Canada.