February 20, 2024

Your Comprehensive Guide to Studying in Australia: Unlocking Academic Excellence Down Under!

Australia is a unique continent, home to world-class colleges, skyscrapers, and corporate centers coexisting with pristine natural areas and a diverse array of wildlife. Australia's educational system is British in design. The expense of attending an Australian university is, nevertheless, thirty to forty percent less than that of an American or European institution. Furthermore, the nation's universities are highly ranked in global rankings of education.

Australia's higher education system

Australian universities are consistently among the top 50 in the world for practically every specialization; yet demand for higher education in advanced technologies has increased recently. The Australian National University, Melbourne University, and the Australian Graduate School of Management should all receive special consideration. Moreover, faculties of law and medicine are regarded as distinguished.

Due to its worldwide nature, Australia is used to immigrants, especially foreign students. As a result, there are no unique requirements for international candidates; everyone enters on the same terms.

In February and September, respectively, Australian institutions accept applications. The academic year starts at the end of February and is split into two semesters, each of which concludes with an examination session.

The cost of higher education in Australia varies based on the specialty selected and can range from 18,000 to 24,000 USD year.

How to apply to universities in Australia

Universities in Australia do not require entrance examinations. The academic record in high school and/or college serves as the foundation for admission.

Necessary Documents

A student needs to have the following list of documents ready to get admitted to an Australian university:

  1. a notarized translation of the document proving previous education (school certificate, secondary special education diploma, or certificate of completion of the first year of the university);
  2. a certificate of language proficiency (6.0 IELTS and 78 TOEFL points is the official requirement; however, it is better to play it safe and pass at least 7.0 IELTS and 90 TOEFL);
  3. a letter of motivation and recommendations (do not underestimate this informal requirement, as often a well-written letter and convincing recommendations become decisive for enrollment);
  4. some universities may additionally require passing the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), which is essentially a test of analytical skills and language

 Training Courses

Universities have opened preparation departments (Foundation) to make the process easier for international candidates. It serves as a transitional link between secondary and postsecondary education, with an emphasis on adapting to both the university and the nation at large as well as getting ready for entry into a particular specialization.

Language Courses

Individuals who want to get better at English can do it in Australia at universities, colleges, and private language schools. The nation's Ministry of Education oversees all of these educational establishments, which are unified under the ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) association.

Australia's Language Centers provide a vast array of programs to accommodate a diverse group of students. Training might last anything from four weeks to a year.

Australia student visa

To take part in any educational program lasting more than three months, you must have a student visa. A category 500 visa is required for study in Australia. The chosen institution must be listed on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students, or CRICOS, in order to apply.

The processing of visas and paperwork review takes two to four months. At least six weeks prior to the commencement of your studies, you must submit your application. The price starts at $479 USD. The aforementioned records are necessary:

  • Application for a visa;
  • Passport photo;
  • Copy of the passport;
  • Confirmation of Enrollment (CoE);
  • Evidence of financial stability:
  • Evidence of appropriate funding, with a minimum annual income of 48,027 USD for single students or 56,031 USD for students with family members, and proof that the applicant's spouse or parents would support them. The yearly income requirement is 16.241 USD for a year plus training and travel expenditures.
  • A student's written GTE (Genuine Temporary Entrant) statement attesting to their intention to return home after graduation, together with accompanying documentation;
  • Evidence of English language proficiency (IELTS 5.5 or TOEFL 46);
  • A general physical check conducted by physicians accredited by the embassy;
  • A certificate of no criminal record;
  • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) insurance for the duration of study.

Details of all requirements can be found on the Australian Government website.

Employment prospects and opportunities

Due to the high speed of development, the Australian economy needs a lot of highly qualified specialists in different fields. It was one of the reasons for the facilitation of immigration visa procedures for graduates. The main sectors of the economy in the country are the service sector (finance, insurance, tourism, education), technology, mining, and agriculture. The country’s unemployment rate was only 6.6% on January 21, 2021.

The majority of Australian education is applied and closely aligned with contemporary societal demands. As a result, companies are eager to hire graduates of Australian colleges both in Australia and abroad. The USA, Europe, Asia, the CIS, and all other nations recognize diplomas and certificates earned in Australia.


Studying in Australia offers a unique blend of academic excellence amidst a backdrop of breathtaking natural landscapes and vibrant city life. With world-class universities and a diverse range of specialties, Australian higher education is renowned globally. The application process is streamlined, with no special requirements for international students, and the academic year is structured for optimal learning. Additionally, various support services, including preparatory courses and language training, ensure a smooth transition for students from diverse backgrounds. Beyond academics, the thriving Australian economy provides ample opportunities for employment and career growth, making it a truly enriching experience for students seeking both education and professional development on an international scale.

How Pelican Migration Can Help

Pelican Migration Consultants offer invaluable assistance to students aiming to pursue higher education in Australia, navigating them through the intricacies of the process. Here's how they can help:

  1. Expert Guidance: Consultants provide expert guidance on selecting suitable universities and courses based on individual preferences and academic goals.
  2. Visa Application Support: They assist students with the complex visa application process, ensuring all necessary documents are in order and submitted correctly.
  3. Preparation Services: Consultants offer preparatory services, including language courses and training programs, to help students meet academic and language proficiency requirements.
  4. Financial Planning: They help students plan their finances, providing insights into tuition fees, living expenses, and available scholarships or financial aid options.
  5. Career Opportunities: Consultants also provide insights into employment prospects and opportunities post-graduation, helping students make informed decisions about their future career paths.