January 30, 2024

Why Your Study or Work Permit May Only Be Valid for Part of Your Program or Employment Contract

Coming to Canada as a temporary resident, whether for academic pursuits or professional opportunities, carries a wave of excitement and anticipation. You envision maximizing your time in this beautiful and vibrant country, immersing yourself in its culture, and achieving your goals.

However, a crucial aspect of this journey lies in understanding the intricacies of your visa documentation, specifically the validity period of your study or work permit. While you might yearn for a permit that seamlessly covers the entirety of your program or employment contract, there are instances where it may only be valid for a portion of your desired stay. This blog delves into the reasons behind this and empowers you with the knowledge to navigate this potential scenario with confidence.

Maximizing Your Canadian Experience: The Importance of Permit Validity

For many foreign nationals, Canada represents a land of opportunity, a chance to pursue educational or professional goals in a vibrant, welcoming environment. Naturally, newcomers want to ensure they have enough time to achieve their objectives. This is where the validity of your study or work permit comes into play.

  1. Work Permit Holders: Ideally, your permit should be valid for the entire duration of your employment contract. This allows you to focus on excelling in your role without the worry of permit renewal looming over you.
  2. Study Permit Holders: Similarly, your permit should cover the entire length of your academic program, enabling you to complete your studies without interruption.

Having a permit valid for the full term grants you the freedom to concentrate on your goals, whether it's mastering new skills, contributing meaningfully to your workplace, or immersing yourself in the academic world.

Reasons Your Permit Might Not Cover Your Entire Stay

While striving for maximum permit validity is understandable, there are two key situations where your permit might fall short:

1. Passport/Travel Document Expiration:

This is a critical factor for both work and study permit holders. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will only issue permits valid for as long as your passport or travel document remains valid. This means you cannot legally stay in Canada beyond the expiry date of your travel document, regardless of your permit's validity.

The good news: If you obtain a new passport/travel document while in Canada, you can apply to extend your permit to match the remaining duration of your program/contract. Remember to apply at least 30 days before your current permit expires!

2. Health Insurance Coverage for IEC Participants:

If you're participating in International Experience Canada (IEC), your work permit's validity will be tied to the duration of your health insurance coverage. Unlike regular work permit holders, IEC participants cannot extend their permits even if they manage to secure extended health insurance after arriving in Canada.

Therefore, IEC participants must ensure their health insurance covers their entire stay in Canada before leaving their home country. This eliminates any potential complications and allows you to focus on enjoying your Canadian experience.

Extending Your Permit: Navigating Expiry Situations

If you find yourself in a situation where your passport/travel document is expiring before your permit's natural end date, fret not! Here's what you can do:

  1. Obtain a new passport/travel document. Contact your home country's embassy or consulate in Canada to initiate the process.
  2. Apply for a permit extension with IRCC. Once you have your new passport/travel document, you can submit an application to extend your permit. Remember, the application deadlines are 30 days prior to expiry for both work and study permits, so plan accordingly.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly extend your stay and continue your Canadian journey without disruption.


Understanding the intricacies of permit validity and potential expiry scenarios is essential for any foreign national seeking to maximize their time in Canada. By carefully considering your passport/travel document validity and ensuring adequate health insurance coverage (if applicable), you can avoid unnecessary complications and focus on achieving your goals in this beautiful and welcoming country. Remember, IRCC is a valuable resource, so don't hesitate to consult their website or contact their representatives for further guidance. With careful planning and proactive action, you can navigate the permit landscape with ease and make the most of your Canadian adventure.

Pelican Migration Consultants: Your Trusted Partners for a Seamless Canadian Journey

Dreams of migrating to Canada? Pelican Migration Consultants,  one of the top immigration consultants in Dubai, paves the way for a smooth and successful transition. Let our experienced professionals guide you through every step, from navigating complex visa processes to finding the perfect study program or job opportunity.

Why Choose Pelican?

  1. Unmatched Expertise: Our team consists of CICC licensed immigration consultants with in-depth knowledge of Canadian immigration policies and procedures.
  2. Tailored Solutions: We understand that every case is unique. We take the time to assess your individual circumstances and tailor a personalized strategy to maximize your chances of success.
  3. Streamlined Processing: We handle all the paperwork and documentation, ensuring efficient and error-free applications.
  4. Unwavering Support: We are with you every step of the way, providing ongoing guidance and support throughout your immigration journey.

Ready to make your Canadian dream a reality? Contact Pelican Migration Consultants today for a free consultation. We'll answer your questions, address your concerns, and develop a roadmap for your successful transition to Canada. Don't settle for uncertainty. Choose Pelican Migration Consultants and migrate to Canada with confidence.