January 23, 2024

The 2024 IEC Pool is Now Open: Your Chance to Live and Work in Canada

The International Experience Canada (IEC) program is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for young adults to gain valuable work experience while exploring a new and exciting country. This year, Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has opened the 2024 IEC pool, allowing nearly 90,000 participants from 35+ partner countries to apply.

What is the IEC?

The IEC is a work permit program that allows citizens of partner countries, aged 18-29, 18-30, or 18-35 (depending on nationality), to live and work in Canada for up to two years. The program offers three streams to cater to different needs and interests:

  1. Working Holiday: This stream provides an Open Work Permit (OWP) for up to two years, allowing you to work for most employers in most industries across Canada.
  2. Young Professionals: This stream issues an employer-specific work permit for individuals who have a job offer and plan to work with a single employer in Canada.
  3. International Co-op Internship: This stream allows post-secondary students from participating countries to complete a co-op placement or internship with a Canadian company.

Benefits of Participating in the IEC:

  1. Gain valuable work experience: The IEC is an excellent way to boost your resume and acquire skills that are highly sought-after by employers worldwide.
  2. Immerse yourself in Canadian culture: Live, work, and travel across Canada, experiencing its diverse landscapes, vibrant cities, and friendly people.
  3. Improve your language skills: Whether English or French, living and working in Canada will significantly enhance your language skills.
  4. Network and build professional connections: The IEC provides opportunities to meet people from various backgrounds and industries, expanding your network and potentially opening doors to future opportunities.
  5. Explore your career options: The IEC allows you to test different careers and work in various industries, helping you discover your passion and career path.
  6. Increase your chances of immigrating to Canada: IEC participants who gain Canadian work experience may be eligible for permanent residency through various immigration programs.

Meeting the Basic Requirements:

To qualify for an IEC work permit, you must meet the following basic criteria:

  1. Be a citizen/passport holder of a participating country with a YMA.
  2. Possess a valid passport for the duration of your stay in Canada.
  3. Fall within the eligible age range for your specific nationality.
  4. Have $2,500 upon arrival in Canada.
  5. Secure health insurance for your stay.
  6. Be admissible to Canada.
  7. Possess a round-trip ticket or sufficient funds to purchase one before departure.
  8. Not be accompanied by dependents.
  9. Pay the applicable fees.

How to Apply:

  1. Check your eligibility: Ensure you meet the basic eligibility requirements, including age, nationality, valid passport, and financial resources.
  2. Create an IEC profile: Submit your profile online through the IRCC website.
  3. Wait for an invitation to apply: IRCC conducts regular rounds of invitations. If your profile is selected, you will receive an invitation to submit a formal work permit application.
  4. Submit your work permit application: Once invited, complete the online application form and submit the required documents.
  5. Wait for approval: Processing times vary, but IRCC aims to finalize applications within 12 weeks.

Important Dates:

  1. IEC Pool opens: December 11, 2023
  2. First round of invitations: Week of January 8, 2024
  3. Intake target: Close to 90,000 participants

Don't miss this amazing opportunity to live, work, and explore Canada! Start preparing your application today and take the first step towards an unforgettable experience.

Make Your Canadian Dream a Reality with Pelican Migration Consultants!

Navigating the IEC application process can feel daunting. But fear not! Pelican Migration Consultants is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring your journey to Canada is smooth and stress-free.

Our team of experienced immigration consultants in Dubai possesses in-depth knowledge of the IEC program and its intricacies. We offer personalized guidance and support throughout your application process, from profile creation to final submission.

Here's how we can help you achieve your Canadian dream:

  1. Profile Evaluation and Optimization: We thoroughly assess your eligibility and optimize your profile to maximize your chances of being selected.
  2. Stream Selection and Strategy: We help you determine the best IEC stream based on your qualifications and career aspirations.
  3. Application Preparation and Submission: We assist you in gathering all required documents and ensuring your application is complete and error-free.
  4. Ongoing Support and Communication: We remain by your side throughout the entire process, providing ongoing support and addressing any questions you may have.

With Pelican Migration Consultants, you are not alone. We are committed to your success and believe in empowering individuals to achieve their immigration goals.