March 7, 2024

Seamlessly Immigrate to Portugal: Unlocking the Pathway to Your New Home!

With its unparalleled quality of life and safety, Portugal has emerged as a top destination for those seeking a transformative change in their lives. In 2023, it secured the second spot in Europe, just behind Spain, in the Expat Insider ranking, solidifying its appeal as an ideal place to live.

Portugal has garnered significant attention in international media and has been honored with numerous awards in the tourism sector, sparking a burgeoning interest among individuals seeking to make it their home. If you're considering relocating to Portugal, keep reading to learn more.

Discover the essential steps for relocating to Portugal: How to obtain a residence visa, understand the cost of living, explore earning potentials, identify affordable cities, navigate the public health system, and reunite family members. Explore the benefits Portugal has to offer and realize that the process of moving to Portugal is simpler than anticipated!

Interested in relocating to Portugal?

Here's how you can seamlessly Immigrate to Portugal:

To move to Portugal, you'll need either Portuguese citizenship or a residence visa. Citizenship provides a direct route to permanent residency, while a residence visa permits a specified period of stay with the option for renewal.

Is it possible to live in Portugal as a tourist?

We highly advise against it! Avoiding illegal residence is imperative to steer clear of deportation, fines, and future obstacles in acquiring legal status. Additionally, living as a tourist excludes you from accessing health services, legal protections, and may pose challenges in securing legal employment, thus limiting your opportunities and income. Ensure you possess the necessary documentation to avoid these issues.

Tourists are typically limited to a maximum stay of 90 days in Portugal. While it's occasionally feasible to extend a tourist visa for an additional 90 days, the process isn't straightforward. Hence, for those seeking a longer stay, exploring safer alternatives is advisable.

How can I live in Portugal with Portuguese citizenship?

For Portuguese citizens, residing in Portugal is notably simpler. In such instances, you'll solely require your Portuguese passport or a citizenship document like the Citizen Card. Additionally, you'll need to acquire a NIF (fiscal number), complete user registration, and undergo social security registration to establish residency. Depending on your nationality, ensure to verify the validation procedures for your driver's license in the country.

Possessing citizenship opens up numerous opportunities, particularly in the job market. With Portuguese citizenship and a passport, individuals are granted freedom of movement within the European area, facilitating work and study endeavors. Don't miss out on the chance to apply for Portuguese nationality today, as laws are subject to continual change.

Who is eligible to apply for Portuguese citizenship?

Explore our detailed article covering the process of obtaining Portuguese citizenship, including required documents and deadlines.

Do you qualify for Portuguese citizenship? Reach out to us today!

Residing in Portugal without Portuguese citizenship: Residence visas

Moving to Portugal is also possible with a residence visa, a legal permit granted by the country allowing foreign individuals to reside and work temporarily within its borders. Various visa options cater to different demographics, including investors, retirees, digital nomads, entrepreneurs, students, and highly skilled workers. Each visa category entails specific prerequisites such as demonstrating financial stability, possessing health insurance, maintaining a clean criminal record, and securing accommodation. After selecting the appropriate category and assembling the necessary documentation, applicants can submit their visa applications to the Portuguese consulate in their home country or directly in Portugal, depending on circumstances. Once in the country with a visa, applicants can then apply for an AR - temporary residence permit. With successive renewals, this temporary permit can eventually lead to permanent residency. After residing legally in Portugal for five years, individuals often become eligible to apply for Portuguese citizenship.

Exploring Visa Options in Portugal:

Residing in Portugal as a Pensioner

One of the most sought-after visas in Portugal is the D7 visa, also known as the Pensioners' Visa, designed for individuals with passive income. Passive income includes:

The financial criteria for the D7 Visa are straightforward and offer appealing terms. Applicants must demonstrate a monthly income exceeding the equivalent of one Portuguese minimum wage and deposit the equivalent of 12 minimum wages in a Portuguese bank account. Additionally, applicants must have a clean criminal record, with no convictions in Portugal resulting in imprisonment exceeding one year, regardless of whether the sentence has been served.

Discover more about the D7 Visa by clicking here.

Residing in Portugal as a Remote Worker

The D8 Visa for Digital Nomads is another highly sought-after option, catering to those engaged in remote work. This visa offers a simple and swift application process, accessible to both employed and self-employed individuals.

Applicants must meet a minimum income requirement of four times the current minimum wage, which amounted to €760 x 4 = €3,040 in 2023. Additionally, applicants must make a deposit equivalent to 12 minimum wages in Portugal to demonstrate financial stability.

Similarly, applicants must maintain a clean criminal record, devoid of convictions in Portugal leading to imprisonment exceeding one year, irrespective of whether the sentence has been served.

Is Living in Portugal Expensive?

Portugal is renowned for its relatively affordable cost of living, drawing many to consider it as a viable option. However, providing an exact figure is challenging due to the subjective nature of individual needs and preferences. Factors such as transportation choices, housing preferences, and lifestyle priorities significantly influence spending patterns. For instance, while some may prioritize owning a car, others may opt for public transportation. This variability highlights the diverse range of spending estimates tailored to each person's unique lifestyle and priorities.

Moreover, the cost of living can vary significantly based on your chosen city of residence, with living expenses comprising a substantial portion of your budget. Property prices also exhibit considerable variation across different cities throughout the country.

Keep in mind that your choice of city will greatly influence your cost of living, underscoring the importance of this decision when preparing to relocate to Portugal. Cities like Lisbon, Porto, and Faro tend to be the most expensive, while opting for more affordable locations such as Castelo Branco or Bragança can lead to substantial savings in your budget.

What is the average salary in Portugal?

The minimum wage in Portugal for 2023 stands at €760.00. However, considering that employees often receive up to 14 salaries per year, the average monthly income rises to €886.00. According to the Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), the average total gross monthly salary per employee in 2023 was €1,411. Additionally, according to OECD data, the average Portuguese salary is estimated to be around €1,500.

Where to Live in Portugal: Top Cities and Affordable Options

Portugal boasts an exceptional transportation infrastructure, featuring a well-connected rail network and quality roads. With excellent universities and hospitals distributed throughout the country, a high standard of living is ensured regardless of location. Your choice of residence ultimately hinges on your preferences and objectives.

For those with remote work flexibility, opting for more affordable cities presents an attractive opportunity. Bragança, Covilhã, Castelo Branco, Santarém, Figueira da Foz, Viseu, and Alcobaça are among the locales offering excellent value for money. Discover the cheapest cities in Portugal here.

If seeking robust employment opportunities within major corporations, Lisbon may be the ideal destination. To mitigate expenses, explore metropolitan areas like Amadora, Almada, Sintra, and Montijo.

Porto provides an alternative for those drawn to bustling locales. While offering slightly lower costs compared to Lisbon, it presents somewhat limited opportunities. Economical options in close proximity to Porto include Gondomar, Braga, Guimarães, and Santa Maria da Feira.

For beachside living and vibrant markets, Setúbal, Cascais, Matosinhos, and the Algarve region stand out as prime choices.

Discover the key cities in Portugal to find the perfect fit for you.

What are the benefits of residing in Portugal?

Portugal presents a distinctive blend of outstanding quality of life, temperate climate, cultural richness, affordable living expenses, and picturesque landscapes. Featuring a top-notch healthcare system, safety, diverse culinary delights, and a strategic European location, Portugal entices individuals seeking serenity, career prospects, and an enriching journey in a hospitable setting.

Moreover, the country offers visas tailored to diverse profiles, facilitating a smoother and more secure relocation process.

Is living in Portugal worth it?

From personal experience, I can attest that living in Portugal is undeniably fulfilling! The city boasts remarkable safety, delectable cuisine, and hospitable locals. Furthermore, its prime location facilitates travel not only to destinations in America but also to various corners of Europe. Who doesn't appreciate the opportunity to explore?

Moreover, immersing oneself in a new country with a different lifestyle presents an incredible chance for personal development and overcoming challenges. Interacting with new people, adapting to a new job... All of these experiences broaden horizons and foster continuous learning, making the journey immensely enjoyable.

So how do I start preparing for my move to Portugal?

Begin by planning your relocation well in advance, involving your entire family in the decision-making process. It's crucial to build up savings to ensure financial security for the initial months or emergencies. If you have pets, familiarize yourself with the necessary procedures for transporting them.

Additionally, understand the process for validating your driver's license, as requirements may vary depending on your country of origin and could necessitate validation within three months of arrival.

Consider seeking assistance from professionals specializing in immigration. The consultants at Pelican Migration Consultants are equipped to guide you through the process, from obtaining essential documents to accurately completing forms, minimizing errors and delays in visa or citizenship applications. With expert support, you'll be better equipped to navigate the challenges of relocation and ensure a smooth transition to Portugal.

Why Choose Pelican Migration for Your Journey to Portugal?

Embarking on your migration journey to Portugal requires meticulous planning and expert guidance. As you consider the next steps, entrusting your relocation process to Pelican Migration Consultants can offer invaluable support and peace of mind. Here's why Pelican Migration is your ideal partner:

  1. Specialized Expertise: Our consultants possess in-depth knowledge and expertise in Portuguese immigration laws and procedures, ensuring accurate and efficient handling of your visa or citizenship application.
  2. Personalized Guidance: We understand that every individual's situation is unique. Our team provides personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs and circumstances, offering comprehensive support throughout the entire relocation process.
  3. Minimized Errors: Navigating immigration procedures can be complex, with potential pitfalls that may delay or jeopardize your application. With Pelican Migration, you benefit from meticulous attention to detail, minimizing errors and maximizing the chances of success.
  4. Timely Processing: Time is of the essence when it comes to immigration matters. Our streamlined processes and proactive approach ensure timely processing of your documentation, enabling you to proceed with your relocation plans without unnecessary delays.
  5. Seamless Transition: Moving to a new country entails numerous challenges and adjustments. With Pelican Migration by your side, you can enjoy a smooth and hassle-free transition to Portugal, allowing you to focus on settling into your new home and embracing the opportunities that await.

Partnering with Pelican Migration Consultants empowers you to embark on your journey to Portugal with confidence and peace of mind. Let us guide you every step of the way, ensuring a successful and fulfilling relocation experience.