January 12, 2024

Despite Political Tensions, Study Visa Approvals for Indian Students to Canada Remain High at 90%

As tensions simmer between India and Canada, there is a remarkable phenomenon taking place: the success rate for study visa applications from Indian students looking to pursue their dreams in Canada stands at an astonishing 85% to 95%. This blog delves into the intriguing reasons behind this unexpected surge in visa approvals and the persistence of students who strive to make their educational aspirations a reality.

The Unbelievable Success Rates

In an era where strict immigration policies are often the norm, it is almost unbelievable that students with modest academic scores are consistently securing Canadian study visas. Amid the challenges faced by students worldwide, these remarkable success rates are certainly worth examining.

Despite concerns, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of six bands, with a modest 5 in one or two modules, is now proving sufficient for many applicants. This leniency has enabled students to achieve their dreams of studying in Canada, even with slightly lower language proficiency.

The Punjab Connection

In the heart of this phenomenon lies the state of Punjab, particularly in the Doaba region, known for its robust educational infrastructure. Even amidst the turmoil between India and Canada, the IELTS and PTE (Pearson Test of English) centers in Punjab continue to report an astounding 90% to 95% success rate for student visa applicants.

Some centers have even observed a remarkable increase of 18–19% in their visa success rates in the past month. This surge has left many baffled but optimistic about their study abroad aspirations.

Rising Tensions and Surging Visas

The tensions between India and Canada escalated when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hinted at India's involvement in the murder of militant and Canadian citizen Hardeep Singh Nijjar. Despite these diplomatic tensions, there has been a noticeable surge in requests for student visas.

Visa offices have been processing between 250 to 300 student visa applications every month, with a significant portion of these being handled after the crisis commenced. Sumit Jain of Jain Overseas in Jalandhar, one of Punjab's largest IELTS centers and overseas consultancies, states, “Our visa success rate is between 90 to 92 per cent, and the majority of these files were processed post-crisis.”

In a surprising turn of events, Jain's consultancy alone received 205 visas in a single day, all of which were applied for after August 10. He credits the smooth visa process to the diplomatic stance of both countries, emphasizing that "even the visas are coming between a period of 12 to 20 days only."

The PTE Perspective

The leniency isn't limited to IELTS scores. Even in the Pearson Test of English (PTE) Exam, students with scores of 57, 58, and 59 have successfully received the coveted visa stamp, despite a benchmark score of 60 for visa consideration. This flexibility has opened doors for a broader range of students to fulfill their dreams of studying in Canada.

In conclusion, the prevailing tension between India and Canada has not dampened the dreams of Indian students to study in Canada. The unexpected rise in study visa success rates, coupled with the timely processing of applications, showcases the commitment of both nations to prioritize education above political tensions.

Would you love to migrate to Canada?

Pelican Migration Consultants is here to make your dream of studying abroad a reality. We're your trusted guides through the entire process, ensuring you face no unnecessary roadblocks.

Why Choose Us?

  1. Expert Team: Our experienced team of immigration consultants in Dubai knows all the ins and outs of studying abroad. We're up to date with the latest rules and processes to keep your journey smooth.
  2. Personalized Help: We understand that your path is unique. We offer personalized guidance to help you make the right choices for your education.
  3. Full Support: We'll be with you from filling out forms to preparing for interviews, ensuring your application is complete and ready on time.
  4. Fast Processing: Our efficient handling of applications means less waiting and less stress.
  5. Ongoing Assistance: We don't stop at your visa approval. We'll help you transition smoothly into your new academic life.

Your Dreams, Our Focus

Your dreams are at the heart of what we do. At Pelican Migration Consultants, we're committed to helping you achieve your study abroad dreams. Contact us today, and let's make your future a global one!