Dive into the truth behind IELTS Speaking myths! In this enlightening exploration, we debunk ten common misconceptions associated with the exam, providing clarity and guidance for your IELTS journey.
1. The speaking portion of the examination is the simplest.
Because the examiners are nice, this section may appear simple. It can appear that you have assistance in this section of the exam because you are on your own in the other sections.
To maintain impartiality, the examiner must adhere to stringent guidelines that guarantee each candidate receives the same treatment. They use the same set of criteria to assess each candidate.
The truth is that each of the four subtests is equally challenging, but depending on your language proficiency, you might find some sections of the examination easier than others.
2. To receive a high score, your accent must sound native.
Your accent is not a factor in the assessment. Although your pronunciation will be evaluated, a natural accent is not required.
Examiners focus on a candidate's intonation, word stress, and individual sound pronunciation while assessing pronunciation.
As you learn a new term, check your pronunciation of it to make sure it sounds correct. One feature of online dictionaries is this. To hear the word spoken correctly, click the small speaker icon.
To get better at pronouncing words, you can also attempt reading aloud or try to mimic native speakers and ask them to correct you. If you don't know any native speakers, you can always find online English tutors over the Internet.
The truth is that your pronunciation is what counts, not your accent.
3. If you're not convinced that sophisticated grammatical constructs are valid, avoid using them.
Actually, it's preferable to try complicated grammatical structures and make a few errors as opposed to sticking to extremely basic sentences.
For instance, a candidate who only uses brief, straightforward sentences will score lower than a candidate who, despite occasional errors, is attempting to employ a conditional clause.
Naturally, you should limit your use of intricate grammatical structures to those that truly convey your meaning.
The following are a few instances of intricate grammatical structures:
- Conditional statements: Astronomy is probably what I would study if I had the opportunity to learn a new subject.
- Time clauses: I'll move to Australia as soon as I take the IELTS exam.
- Speech as reported: My friend promised to assist me with my exam preparation.
- Modal verbs: It's possible that she's already here.
Therefore, don't be scared to attempt using the grammar principles you learn when speaking. When you practice, record yourself, play it back, and pay close attention to what you hear. To help you utilize grammar more correctly when you talk, make a list of the errors you catch in your own speech.
The truth is that using intricate grammatical structures with occasional errors is preferable to relying solely on brief, straightforward statements.
4. You cannot receive a high score if you are unable to answer a question.
On this exam, there are several topics you are not tested on. The way you express things matters more to the examiners than what you say.
Recall that there is no right or incorrect response. Say you are asked, "How do teenagers have fun in your country?" for instance. and you're at a loss for words, you can give an explanation for your ignorance. One may say:
I'm not sure if I can truly respond to the question because I'm not a teenager anymore, but I could tell you about the good times I used to have. This has probably altered significantly because...
This demonstrates to the examiner that even when you are answering outside of your comfort zone, you can speak and develop your replies.
The real deal: Give an explanation for any information you don't know in response to an inquiry. The solution is not "right" or "wrong."
5. Whenever you are getting ready for part 2, make notes.
Sometimes it's preferable to merely think about the subject, even though you might want to take notes. You have a minute to get ready. You can lose important thinking time if you use that time to write.
You should base the organization of your speech around the ideas presented in each topic card, which contain a few suggestions. During that minute, consider succinct responses to each of the sub questions.
Once you have a quick response prepared, you may expand on it while you speak by providing examples and discussing how the responses apply to you personally. Speaking about yourself comes naturally to most individuals because it's a topic they are familiar with.
The truth is that while you have one minute, you might want to jot down some notes, but it could be wiser to consider the subject in part 2.
6. You'll perform well if your grammar is excellent.
One of the four evaluation categories used to determine your speaking test score is grammar. The remaining three are pronunciation, lexical resource (vocabulary range), and fluency and coherence.
They are all equally significant. Therefore, one-fourth of your total score will undoubtedly be high if you have excellent grammar. However, you must also demonstrate your extensive vocabulary if you hope to receive a good total score. You'll do well in this area as well if you can communicate your ideas clearly and concisely with a large number of words.
Additionally, you'll need to have excellent pronunciation. This, as previously said, relates to your capacity for accurate phonemic recognition as well as appropriate word stressing and intonation.
Furthermore, you must be able to communicate clearly and coherently, which entails speaking with little hesitation.
You can use the following connectors to arrange your speech's structure:
- First, second, and last, but not least;
- Also, additionally, additionally
- As a result, hence, as a consequence;
- To, so as to, so that
The speaking test has four evaluation criteria, which is the truth.
(1) accuracy and breadth of grammar; (2) coherence and fluency; (3) lexical resource; and (4) pronunciation.
7. You'll leave a positive impression if you talk without hesitation.
Coherence, or making sense and being logical, is just as vital as fluency. It's a good idea to try to prevent hesitating, but you also need to make sure that your response is coherent and well-structured.
But keep in mind that some hesitancy is common. Speaking without thinking or breathing is not acceptable. To sound more genuine when you hesitate, try utilizing some of these filler words:
- To put it another way...
- What do you name this...? hold on a moment...It's right here.
- All OK,
- So you see.
The fact is that speaking fluently and without pauses won't leave a positive impression by itself. Additionally, you must communicate logically and grammatically.
8. Even if you don't comprehend a question, you should nonetheless respond to it.
It's acceptable to ask the examiner to repeat a question or restate it in a different way if you don't understand it.
To do this, you may use a few of the following phrases:
- I'm not sure I really get what you're saying. Would you kindly ask the question again?
- I doubt I understand what you mean. Would you please repeat the question?
It is preferable to make the question clearer before responding. If you ask the examiner to repeat a question multiple times, you won't lose points, but your score will likely drop as they may believe you struggle with spoken English comprehension.
The real deal: You should ask for clarification if you don't comprehend a question.
9. You don't have to finish the work in its entirety in part 2.
In part 2, your topic card will have four questions and a main theme. It is actually required of you to address every question and allot roughly the same amount of time to it.
You should speak for a total of two minutes, or around thirty seconds for each of the four questions on the topic card.
Following a few such practice sessions, you will begin to sense how lengthy thirty seconds are and when it's appropriate to move on to the next topic.
The fact is that you must respond to every question in part 2, devoting the same amount of time to each one.
10. You should use concepts from part 2 again if you run out of ideas in part 3.
Part 3 assesses your ability to discuss broad interest topics in a more abstract manner and to move the subject from you in Part 2. You should demonstrate your ability to provide detailed descriptions, contrast and compare concepts, make generalizations, and draw conclusions. Therefore, it's unlikely that reiterating your points from Part 2 will address the queries in Part 3.
Debunking IELTS Speaking myths aligns with Pelican Migration Consultants' commitment to accurate guidance. It highlights unique challenges in each subtest, dispelling the misconception that the speaking section is easy. Emphasizing clear pronunciation over a native accent resonates and encouraging intricate grammatical exploration that aligns with Pelican's personalized approach. Lastly, the focus on expressing ideas over correctness and nuanced note-taking advice mirrors Pelican's mission to boost candidates' confidence in achieving their educational goals.
Don't let IELTS difficulties discourage you from pursuing your dream of working and living in Canada. Contact Pelican Migration Consultants today and allow us to assist you in realizing your Canada Migration aspirations.