January 18, 2024

Canada’s Big Three Provinces Outshine: Newcomers via PNP Program Earn Top Salaries in Ontario, Alberta, and BC

The landscape of Canadian immigration offers a multitude of pathways for newcomers to establish themselves and build fulfilling lives. However, navigating the intricacies of earnings potential within different provinces and immigration programs can be a daunting task. A recent report by Statistics Canada sheds light on this crucial aspect, revealing significant disparities in average earnings among provincial nominees and highlighting the influence of both provincial economic conditions and individual background characteristics.

Provincial Variances: A Tale of Three Top Earners

The report paints a clear picture of geographical disparities in earnings for Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) candidates. Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia stand out as the top performers, with average annual earnings exceeding $54,000 within one or two years of landing. This translates to a comfortable starting point for newcomers in these economic powerhouses, where demand for skilled professionals remains high.

Conversely, the Atlantic provinces, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan showcase lower average earnings for PNP candidates. This discrepancy stems from a complex interplay of factors, including:

  1. Local Unemployment Rates: Provinces with higher unemployment rates, such as Newfoundland and Labrador (10% unemployment rate in November 2023), often experience stiffer competition for high-skilled positions. This pressure can lead newcomers and Canadians alike to accept lower-paying jobs to secure employment.
  2. Background Characteristics of PNP Applicants: Educational attainment, Canadian work experience, and official language proficiency all play a role in determining individual earning potential. PNP programs catering to specific needs, like entry-level or semi-skilled positions, may attract candidates with lower average educational or work experience levels, impacting their initial earning capacity.

Beyond PNP: A Shift in Earning Powerhouses

While PNP candidates in Ontario, Alberta, and BC currently hold the top spot in terms of initial earnings, the report reveals a fascinating shift in the long-term trend. Since 2005, the programs with the highest average earnings after immigration have transitioned from PNP to those under the Express Entry system, specifically the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) and the Canadian Experience Class (CEC).

This shift can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Pre-landing Canadian Experience: FSWP and CEC programs prioritize applicants with Canadian work or study experience, often translating to higher professional qualifications and immediate access to skilled employment upon arrival.
  2. Higher Educational Attainment: These programs also emphasize educational qualifications, attracting candidates with advanced degrees and specialized skills that command higher salaries.
  3. Express Entry's Meritocratic System: The Express Entry system utilizes the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS), which assigns points based on human capital factors like education, work experience, and language proficiency. A high CRS score signifies a candidate's in-demand skills and increases their chances of securing high-paying jobs.

Understanding the PNP Landscape: A Pathway to Success

Despite the current earning gap between PNP and Express Entry programs, the PNP remains a valuable pathway for skilled professionals seeking Canadian residency. Its flexibility allows provinces to tailor immigration selection to their specific needs, attracting candidates with skillsets that complement the local labor market. Furthermore, PNP offers a potentially faster route to permanent residency compared to Express Entry, particularly for in-demand professions targeted by specific provincial programs.

For individuals considering the PNP, understanding the program's nuances is crucial. Factors to consider include:

  1. Provincial Labor Market Needs: Research the specific skillsets and professions in demand within your desired province to assess your candidacy's competitiveness.
  2. Program Streams: Different PNP streams cater to various needs, from entry-level positions to specialized occupations. Choose a stream that aligns with your qualifications and career goals.
  3. Language Proficiency: Strong English or French language skills are essential for success in most Canadian workplaces. Invest in language training if necessary.


Canada's immigration landscape presents a diverse range of opportunities for newcomers to build successful careers. While the PNP offers a fast-track path to permanent residency in provinces seeking specific skillsets, understanding the potential earning disparities compared to Express Entry programs is crucial. By carefully analyzing individual background, provincial needs, and program requirements, individuals can choose the immigration pathway that best aligns with their long-term career aspirations and earning potential.

Make Canada Your Dream Destination with Pelican Migration Consultants

We understand that every immigration journey is unique, and we tailor our services to your specific needs and circumstances. Whether you dream of migrating to Canada through the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), the Express Entry system, or another pathway, we'll be your trusted partner throughout the process.

Here's what Pelican Migration Consultants offers:

  1. Free initial consultation: Discuss your immigration goals and get personalized advice from our expert immigration consultants in Dubai.
  2. Comprehensive case assessment: We'll evaluate your eligibility for various Canadian immigration programs and recommend the best course of action.
  3. Expert document preparation: We'll ensure your application package is complete and error-free, maximizing your chances of success.
  4. Ongoing support and guidance: We'll be with you every step of the way, from filing your application to landing in Canada and beyond.

We're passionate about helping individuals and families achieve their Canadian dreams. With our proven track record of success and unwavering commitment to our clients, Pelican Migration Consultants is your one-stop shop for all your Canadian immigration needs. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us help you make Canada your new home!