April 3, 2024

Becoming an Australian Permanent Resident: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you aiming for Australian Permanent Residency?

For individuals contemplating a move to a new country, Australia emerges as a highly sought-after destination. If the idea of becoming an Australian permanent resident has crossed your mind, you likely understand the importance of selecting the appropriate visa tailored to your specific circumstances.

When submitting your Expression of Interest, it's essential to furnish comprehensive details about yourself and any accompanying individuals for your visa application. This includes information regarding the occupation you aspire to nominate, accompanied by your experience, qualifications, and evidence of skill assessment from a recognized assessing body in Australia.

Which Visa Types Lead to Australian Permanent Residency?

The following visas offer a direct pathway to Australian permanent residency:

  • 189 Visa to PR
  • 190 Visa to PR
  • Direct entry 186 Visa to PR
  • Partner Visa to PR
  • Child Visa to PR

The Advantages of Australian Permanent Residency

As an Australian permanent resident, you can:

  1. Live in Australia indefinitely
  2. Work and study in Australia
  3. Access Australia’s national health scheme, Medicare
  4. Apply for bank loans to buy property
  5. Sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
  6. Apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible
  7. Travel to and from Australia for as long as your travel facility permits
  8. Attend free English language classes provided by the Adult Migrant English Program
  9. Work in New Zealand

Limitations of Australian Permanent Residents

Unlike Australian citizens, permanent residents generally cannot:

  1. Obtain an Australian passport
  2. Vote in Australian Government elections unless enrolled (as a British subject) before 26 January 1984
  3. Access student loans
  4. Join the Australian Defence Force
  5. Obtain ongoing work in the Australian Government
  6. Return to Australia from overseas without a valid travel facility (they do not have automatic right of entry to Australia).

Opt for Pelican Migration Consultants for Your Australian Permanent Residency Needs

While many individuals aspire to obtain visas for living and working in Australia each year, navigating through the process can often be overwhelming and complex. To alleviate stress and ensure a smooth journey, it's advisable to partner with immigration specialists who can assess your unique circumstances and guide you toward the most suitable path for you and your family.

At Pelican Migration Consultants, we boast a team of highly trained and experienced migration experts dedicated to assisting Middle East skilled overseas workers in finding the visa options that align with their needs. Our mission is to simplify the application process and provide comprehensive support every step of the way.

With our assistance, you can rest assured that you're applying for the visa best suited to your specific requirements. Moreover, our meticulous review process ensures that your application is thoroughly checked, minimizing the risk of rejection and avoiding unnecessary expenses and disappointments along the journey.

Embark on Your Path to Australian Permanent Residency with Pelican Migration Consultants

Ready to kickstart your journey towards permanent residency?

Explore our website for valuable resources to begin your process. Utilize our complimentary online assessment form to know your eligibility.

Contact us today to discover how Pelican Migration Consultants can streamline the PR application process for you. Reach out to our team for personalized assistance or schedule a consultation through our online form. You can also participate in our informative webinars to receive expert insights and stay updated on the latest news and advice.