January 23, 2024

2023’s Final Countdown: Why Applying for Your Canadian Study Permit in December is a Game-Changer

The festive season isn't the only reason to celebrate December this year. For international students with dreams of studying in Canada, this month holds a hidden advantage: a window to secure your study permit under more favorable conditions before major changes arrive in 2024.

Let's unpack the reasons why December is the perfect time to take the leap towards your Canadian education adventure:

1. Freeze That Cost-of-Living: Save $10,000

On December 7th, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) announced a significant increase in the cost-of-living requirement for international students, jumping from $10,000 to $20,635. This change, reflecting rising living costs, goes into effect on January 1st, 2024. But here's the good news: apply before that deadline, and you'll still be assessed under the old, $10,000 requirement – a potential savings of $10,635.

2. Study from Home, Count it Towards Your Future: Embrace the Hybrid Option

IRCC has extended a facilitative measure allowing international students to complete part of their studies remotely, from outside Canada, while still counting that time towards their coveted Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP). This opens up a world of possibilities, especially for those applying in December.

  1. Savings: Remote learning can significantly reduce your initial expenses by allowing you to stay at home, saving on housing, food, and travel.
  2. Flexibility: Start your studies without immediate relocation, giving you time to adjust and plan for your arrival.
  3. Academic Freedom: Explore online courses or hybrid programs offered by Canadian institutions, expanding your options beyond on-campus limitations.

Remember, this benefit applies to programs starting before September 1st, 2024, and only if less than 50% of your total study time is spent remotely. So, check with your chosen institution and see if you can leverage this incredible advantage.

3. Streamline Your Application: Explore the Student Direct Stream

Worried about long wait times? IRCC offers the Student Direct Stream (SDS), a faster processing track for applicants from specific countries. If you meet the eligibility criteria, you could receive your study permit within 20 calendar days – a dream come true for those eager to embark on their Canadian adventure.

4. Seek Expertise: Navigate the Labyrinth with Confidence

While application requirements might seem straightforward, navigating the approval process can be tricky. Immigration officers have discretion, and seemingly complete applications can still be rejected. To maximize your chances of success, consider consulting an immigration consultant. Their expertise can help you:

  1. Meet all eligibility requirements: Ensure your application is complete and error-free.
  2. Present your case effectively: Craft a convincing narrative that addresses potential concerns.
  3. Navigate complex procedures: Guide you through the application process and answer any questions.

Remember, your study permit is your passport to a life-changing experience. Invest in expert guidance to increase your chances of success and unlock the doors to your Canadian dreams.

The Power of December: A Summary of Advantages

  1. Save $10,000 CAD: Apply before January 1st and benefit from the lower cost-of-living requirement.
  2. Embrace Remote Learning: Count time studying abroad towards your PGWP and potentially save on living costs.
  3. Expedite Your Application: Consider the Student Direct Stream for faster processing.
  4. Seek Expert Guidance: Maximize your chances of approval with an experienced immigration lawyer.

By taking advantage of these December-specific benefits, you can not only save money and time but also position yourself for a smoother and potentially faster journey to your Canadian academic aspirations. So, don't wait – seize this opportunity and submit your study permit application today. Remember, December might just be the key that unlocks your Canadian adventure.

Additional Tips:

  1. Research Canadian universities or colleges, check remote learning options, and secure your acceptance letter.
  2. Gather passport, photos, financial proof, acceptance letter, and other IRCC-required documents.
  3. Choose the Student Direct Stream (SDS) if eligible for faster processing, or use the regular stream. Submit everything online before January 1st, 2024, to enjoy the lower cost-of-living requirement.
  4. Pay the application fee with your trusty credit card.
  5. Track your application online and keep documents handy. December is typically less busy, so processing times might be shorter.

Embark on your Migration Journey with Pelican

Migrating isn't just about crossing borders; it's about soaring towards a brighter future. At Pelican Migration Consultants, we become your compass, guiding you through the complexities of navigating new shores. We are not just immigration experts, we are your partners in transformation, committed to making your dreams of a fulfilling life a reality.

Our team of seasoned immigration consultants in Dubai boasts extensive knowledge of immigration policies and procedures for popular destinations like Canada, Portugal, New Zealand, and Australia. We stay at the forefront of these constantly evolving landscapes, ensuring your path is paved with accurate information and timely updates.

Contact us today for a free consultation and let us help you chart your course to a brighter future. With Pelican Migration Consultants by your side, you can embark on your immigration journey with confidence, knowing that you have a team of dedicated professionals standing behind you every step of the way.